Photos and a video of the Easter 2023 testimonies and baptisms of two adult members of north clackamas Bible community: Jessica Beer and Dan Mitchell. Their conversion stories illustrate the kind of relationships with Jesus Christ that result in genuine community.
The service began with a short message by Mike Sperou, Senior Pastor of ncBc. Mike explained the meaning and significance of the ordinance of baptism from Matthew 28.19-20 and Romans 6.3-7.
Following Mike’s message, Dan and Jessica each gave short testimonies of their adult conversion to Jesus Christ and of the outward evidences of their internal commitments. Their spiritual growth continues to confirm the genuineness of each of their conversions.
The service concluded with Jessica’s and Dan’s baptisms by Bill Hartman and Greg Kirchem.
Jessica …
Dan …
Video of Service
A 30-minute video includes the message delivered by Mike, the testimonies of Dan and Jessica, and their baptisms by Bill and Greg.
YouTube ver. 2023-04-08
30 min
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